
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Calligraphy Pen from Target

I went to Target over the weekend to get a few things for myself, and while I was browsing I found my way into the scrapbooking section of the store and I came across this awesome doubled sided Calligraphy pen, by EK Tools. It was a great price, so I decided to give it a try. I’ve always been intrigued by Calligraphy; and, I even attempted it as a teenager but quickly lost interest in it because I was horrible at it, hehe. I also think I may have lost interest in it, at that age, because I didn't have the patience for it. I always just want to know how to do everything without putting the time and effort in, but now that I’m older (much older, hehe) I think it would be a great time to pick it up again.

After researching calligraphy on Google, and attempting some of the styles I found, using this pen, I think I really might go out and take some classes and buy a couple of books on the subject. While playing with this pen for just a few short hours I’ve found it so calming and now I can’t wait to go out and buy more materials and tools. I think I’d like to learn calligraphy to somehow incorporate it into my handmade items, like cards, or even invitations. Lately, I’ve been wanting to create new merchandise for my shop; however, I’m having trouble finding the right stamps or fonts that I feel are my style—so I think I’m going to have to start designing my own things from scratch—which is actually something I’m looking forward to. I can’t wait to see where this leads me. 

Have you even wanted to try Calligraphy, or have you? 


  1. your writing looks great! I've seen those pens, but was reluctant to try another new'm just running out of spare time. :0)

  2. I have a double-sided calligraphy pen that I love using! I use it to on greeting cards and envelopes for people and sometimes when I'm sending people packages. It's so fun to use! My is running dry, so I'm going to be looking for this one at Target! You write so well!!

  3. Woow!! I definitely think you are amazing at Caligraphy!! My aunt or my mom idk wich one of them now used to do this. I found a caligraphy book! It was wonderful :)
    Keep on doing it! U are very talented Nicole ♥

    xx Barbora☻

  4. Your beginner's calligraphy is BEAUTIFUL!!! A long time ago I used to have a few really nice sets of pens and a couple of books and stuff. If I were to try my hand at it now, it probably wouldn't look so great. -_-Calligraphy would be absolutely perfect for your handmade cards. You can do so much with it. I can even picture you making some really nice prints for framing with it (I'm already planning on pinning if you do - lol). =0)

  5. I'd love to try calligraphy! But my normal writting is messy enough without me trying to do anything fancy...

  6. Beautiful work - I've been wanting to pick up calligraphy. I feel like it's a walk back into history.

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