
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

DIY, Mini Journals

I created some mini journals for the Lawn Fawn blog and I thought I'd also share them here on my blog as well. They're super cute and great for gift giving. You can click here to view the entire tutorial on the  Lawn Fawn blog. If you have any questions you can let me a comment and I'll get back to you asap! However, I'm also going to be making a Youtube video showing how I make these as well. That should be super fun! Sorry this post is late + short. My computer is down and I'm so sad about that, for now my posts' might be super lame because I don't' have my usual Photoshop editing program, and I'll be handling all posts', emails, etc. from my sisters computer or my boyfriends pc--and that means my pc time is limited because they're always giving me the side eye because I'm invading in their personal space, lol. I get it though, I'm the same way. Take care! 


  1. Ohhh take care Nicole!!
    hOPE your computer will get better :)
    Can´t wait for he video tutorial!! I love video tutorials haha :)♥
    I can see clearly everytime see what that person is doing and how :)
    so yes..can´t wait :)))

    xx Barbora♥

  2. These journals are very cute! Hope your computer is back up soon ;)

  3. Oh these are just darling! Hope you get a working computer again soon. That has to be SOO annoying :(
