
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Surprise! It's Kelly Marie's Birthday Party Blog Hop!

Today a bunch of crafty gals and I are getting together to celebrate the birthday of, Kelly Marie, one of the owners of Lawn Fawn! It’s a little virtual surprise party; and, we’re each making her something using the awesome LF products. I hope she is thrilled about it!

I made Kelly, a Birthday card using the new stamp set, Ourfriendship grows, and thought it would be cute to make some matching cupcake toppers! I made chocolate cupcake toppers with chocolate frosting and ground Oreo’s to make the top of the cupcakes look like dirt, hehe. I ate one for you Kelly! 

Dear Kelly,

I wish you a very happy birthday! I hope you were surprised, and I’m so thankful to have met you and that I can call you my friend. Thanks for being awesome; and, for sharing all your creativity, kindness, and Lawn Fawn awesomeness with the world! You’re the best.

Your friend,


Like I mentioned before, a bunch of us girls got together for this surprise party blog hop, and each one of use made something special for, Kelly. Thank you for stopping by from Chari's blog, and next up on the hop is, Teri. Take some time to view the projects made by all the other girls! They’re so amazing! You can head over to Tiffany's blog if you would like to start from the beginning. 

Tiffany Johnson:
Laurel Beard:
Nancy Krueger & Mama Fawn:
Jenn Shurkus:
Sarah Martina Parker:
Britta Swiderski:
Vicky Papaioannou:
Jennifer McDermott:
Nichol Magouirk:


  1. totally amazing card and cupcake toppers, Nicole! perfectly festive!

  2. Great card and toppers and what a lovely idea!

  3. Are those real cupcakes? Lovely card and toppers Happy birthday Kelly!

    1. Hi Ginny! Yes, these are real cupcakes made with chocolate cake, frosting, and ground up Oreo's :-) They look like dirt but taste so good! hehe. P.S. thank you for the kind words!

  4. WOW!!! This is awesome - such a perfect Project for a LF Birthday hop!

  5. SO pretty! Love this project! The sunflower toppers are the cutest ever! :)

  6. To heck with the cards, bring on the cupcakes. . . Lol! Happy birthday Kelly Marie, you are such a wonderful person, may your day be as awesome as you are!

  7. so totally adorable.. love those cupcakes..

  8. those cupcakes are PERFECT for the sunflowers! haha Love it

  9. adorable!!! and the cupcakes totally look like dirt!! that's like...super awesome and creative that the cupcakes are little flower pots!! genius!! and your chalkboard card is just perfection! oh so love this whole post!

  10. omgosh!!!! the cuteness is over flowing!!! lOVE :)

  11. SO PERFECT!! Seriously!! How clever to use a cupcake topper as a little flower..You amaze me!

  12. LOVE your chalkboard card! And you've also made cupcakes?! Thanks! nom nom nom ;) Seriously adorable cupcake toppers with edible soil, hee hee

  13. had to go show us all up and make cupcakes. ;) just kidding! well, not really. cause now i want cupcakes.
    your toppers are too cute! my mom's favorite flower is a sunflower - going to pin this for her birthday next year. :)

    hope we can craft together soon!

  14. Adorable, Nicole!! The sunflowers make such a cute cupcake topper! Now I'm hungry for cupcakes! :)

  15. Oh my goodness, you are so clever! I was excited to get to your blog because I KNEW you'd have something amazing! These cupcake toppers are PERFECT and the card is completely adorable. Love it! You inspire me!

  16. Wow how pretty! I love the chalkboard look, and those cupcake toppers are perfect! Amazing job!


  17. I love these, totally adorable. Like the colors on the flower tops/leaves on the cupcake toppers!

  18. Absolutely gorgeous ensemble!!! I always enjoy your creations and covet them ever-so-slightly ;) Thanks for joining us!

  19. Love, love, love those cupcake toppers and the chalkboard card! Amazing job!

  20. A birthday blog hop is a fun idea! Love the card! Those cupcakes look so delicious! They remind me of those cups of dirt made of Oreos with the gummy worms at the bottom!

  21. what a great idea for the cupcakes. the card was sweet too...

  22. Great card and cupcake toppers to match!

  23. ADORABLE card...and those cupcake toppers are FAB!

  24. ♫ Happy Birthday, Kelly!
    Oh Yummy! Let the P a r t y begin with All this Gorgeousness!

  25. Well, a belated happy birthday wish for the birthday girl! I saw these super cute cupcake toppers in your Etsy shop and realized I hadn't been by your blog in a couple of weeks, so I came by to see. =0)
    LOVE the sunflowers!!!

  26. I love this ensemble so much!! Those cupcakes look amazing, and these toppers are so brilliant! I am so glad that we have gotten to know each other more this year! Sending big hugs! Thank you for making my birthday so special!

  27. I absolutely LOVE those cupcakes AND the picks! Oh my goodness you are sooo creative.
