
Monday, July 22, 2013

DIY Card Kit

When my niece is over to visit, she always asks’ me if she can help with whatever I’m working on (when I’m working at my craft desk). It’s always hard for me to say “Not, right now cheeky, I’m working on orders”, and I always feel so bad saying no because I know that all the stamps, punches, glitter, and things looks so inviting for young children—but if you’re like me, you’re also super protective of all the expensive crafting supplies that are used. She’s only 3 so you can image the kind of damage a 3 year old can do to stamps and things.

I thought I’d make her something that looks cute, fun, and important. If I’d simply give her a few pieces of paper she’s look at them in disappointment because they don’t look nearly as cool as the things I’m working on (and I know that for a fact because I've tried it before, haha)—she’s a smart kid. So, I came up with this cute and colorful DIY Card kit. It comes with the elements needed to create 4 cards; and, everything can be stored in a handmade folder. My niece doesn't know how to make cards yet but this is still something she would love to play with because these are the same things I work with at times. I think what’s great about this little DIY kit, is that you can make it for a young child or even an adult that would like to learn how to make greeting cards.

How I made it—I took 2 pieces of white 8 1/2” by 11” cardstock, cut them in half, and scored them to create a perfect A2 size card. This makes 4 cards total. I included some white envelopes, stamped out some really cute banners and added some sentiments. I also cut out some 4 1/4” x 5 1/2” pattern paper sheets, and stamped out a few images using my Lawn Fawn stamps—all the things one would need to create some fun cards. 
How I made the folder—I used a piece of 12” x 12” card stock that has a double sided print on it. I removed the bottom strip, and scored down the middle at 6”, and then across at 8 3/4”. Once that was done, I removed 1/4th off of both sides of the 6” score line—but be sure to only remove this piece below the 8 3/4” score line.
Next, I folded the flaps up, and then I adhered the right and left ends of the flaps to the inside of the folder. Then I folded it in half, and added the ‘DIY card kit’ title to the front using my Lawn Fawn Quinn’s sets (to view them click here, and here).
Once it’s done, it’s ready to be giving as a gift; and, here is an example of the kind of card someone can make when they put all the design elements together. A few extra tools someone might need (if they’re not a crafter) is some scissors, 3D foam adhesive, and maybe a gelly pen—all optional of course. You can provide them with as many tools as you’d like, too.
I hope you loved this little DIY—I know I can’t wait give this to my niece. I know she won’t know how to make a card with it, but I’m sure she’ll love coloring all over everything and trying to make something out of it. I’m just really glad she expresses an interest in crafts—and as an avid crafter—how can I deny her that?


  1. Oh my, this is adorable! Thank you so much for sharing this tutorial! I know a few girls at church who would really enjoy their own cardmaking kit. Thanks for sharing, Nicole!! :)

    1. Yay! I'd love to see some pictures of the finished kit! Everything you make is so cute!

  2. Ohh that is amazing!! Little kids really wanna play with these things but u created such a cool thing!! :))
    That is awesome and really cute!!

    Xxx Barbora

  3. Aaaw...So sweet of you, Nicole! I'm sure your niece will love it!
    One thing you can also do for her to surprise her (this is what we do at our house for the smaller kiddos), is set her up a little "work area" next time she comes to visit with a few kid-friendly stamps and ink, a little bit of pre-cut washi tape and some die cuts that you know you won't need to go along with her new DIY kit. She'll have a blast and work alongside you, I'm sure. =0)

    1. PS - I meant old die cuts that aren't yet colored (so that she can do it).

    2. It's so funny because, my brother bought her an art desk to put right next to mine--but she still won't use it. I bought her some Hello Kitty stamps and washable ink pads--but she always manages to come over to my desk and ask for my Lawn Fawn stamps, LOL! She's always like, "Umbrella stamp? toaster stamp?", and I'm always like, "aye, girl--what about the stamps I just bought you?" haha, she's so cute.

    3. Then it's for sure that she's a future crafter - she already knows the good stuff! hehehe =0)

  4. okay, so you are totally a genius and I'm in awe of your creativity! this would make such a perfect class idea! i'd take that class for sure.

    1. Thank you, Nancy! :-) I didn't even think about that, you're so right!

  5. Such an amazing idea! Filing this back for one day :)

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